When shortly after the appointment

The unprecent volume of sanctions packages prompt. A comparable response from the Russian government in the form of massive budgetary support. How Russia Sav the Economy “The state has taken various measures to improve the stability of the economy. In particular, an investment lending program for businesses was launch, and various regulatory easing was adopt,” Nametkin said. In total, since 2020, of a new government. It fac the ne to urgently implement measures to combat COVID-19 and its consequences. The volume of state support for the economy and social sphere has amount to about 7.6 trillion rubles.

The government launch the first package of assistance

Work under sanctions in 2022 was organiz taking into account the experience of the pandemic: then, in order to avoid lengthy approvals, decisions were made Colombia Mobile Number List as part of the work of the Operational Headquarters, and in October 2022, a Coordinating Council, similar in structure, head by Mikhail Mishustin, was creat to ensure the tasks of the military operation. to the Russian economy in mid-March 2022: at that moment, it was about 100 initiatives for a total of 1 trillion rubles. For example, the Cabinet of Ministers began to help Russian businesses to export to the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU) Belarus, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. As a result, trade turnover increas markly with all the list countries.

Phone Number List

Which together with Russia include Armenia

The increase was measur in tens of percent. To support small and mium-siz businesses (SMEs), the country launch the issuance of preferential loans – in BT Lists some cases, entrepreneurs could take a loan to expand production or refinance old loans at 1%. But if not everyone us the loans, then every small business representative could appreciate the moratorium on inspections: during 2022, the Feral Tax Service (FTS) did not inspect SMEs. Small businesses and individual entrepreneurs have also extend the deadlines for paying mandatory contributions to the Social Insurance Fund (FSS.

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