Define a complete map of the user experience and the business.

The next step to take or milestone to achieve is to have a complete map of the user experience, its life cycle and the business in general . How do clients arrive? How is money generated? What steps or phases do customers go through? The entire team has to be clear about all the possible phases and states of clients, as well as the processes they go through. This phase is quite complex and expensive to carry out and involves several meetings with the team to finish building a useful map. And, you know what?, here it is quite common to fall into a blockage due to perfection or trying to seek the highest level of detail. I’ve seen it many times.

Define the basic growth equation and break it down into phases

Once we have the map of the complete user experience, it is time to define our growth equation . To give you an category email list idea, in the previous phase we determined what we should be measuring and gave meaning to that data. It helps us understand the information better. But not all data is relevant at all times . In reality, simplicity is a great ally for growth hacking. That is why it is advisable to define which metrics are key to our business and then break them down into small equations , with no more than 5 metrics each.

Establish the work model and define the appropriate tempo

Finally, in this phase, we must be clear about how we are going to work and at what frequency . Sean Ellis always BT Lists recommends experimenting at high speed, at least in weekly cycles. How great Sean. This means that every week the team must meet to evaluate the results of the previous week’s experiments, reach conclusions, devise new experiments and carry them out in the following week. There it is nothing.

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