The Development Center Institute

Rosstat will publish official data on the dynamics of Russian GDP for 2022 in February 2023, but it is already clear that there will be neither 15% nor 7% contraction of the economy. Russia was able to avoid the most negative scenarios, and subject matter experts were forc to explain why they change their assessment of the Russian economy so often.  forecasts develop in the pandemic years of 2020–2021. Three years ago, the IMF prict a contraction of the Russian economy by 5.5%, and the World Bank – by 1%. The final result was at the level of -2.7%. In the next 2021, the World Bank expect the growth of the Russian economy by 2.9%.

A similar situation with macroeconomic

The IMF economists includ growth at the level of 3.8% in their Belgium Phone Number List model. The final estimate of Rosstat for the year was 5.6%. In the summer of 2021, World Bank economists wrote that “Russia has excellently contain the additional spikes in poverty caus by COVID-19. This success is largely due to compensatory social payments: and support for single-parent families. The economic recovery is now gaining momentum. If the announc policy is implement effectively, then we prict that the poverty rate in Russia will decrease to 11.4% by the end of the year from the pre-pandemic 12.3%. The government launch the first package of assistance.

Phone Number List

The Academic Council of the National

Why the experts were wrong The main reason for the BT Lists incorrect assessments of international experts was the market nature of the Russian economy and the adaptability of Russian business. Natalya Akindinova, director of and a member of  Research University Higher School of Economics, told RBC Trends about this. The expert also drew attention to a whole range of government measures that help mitigate the impact of the sanctions and prevent the economy from collapsing. “In conditions of price flexibility and in the presence of previously accumulat stocks of import products.

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