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Both bots appear on the market at the end of 2022 and during this time they were test by about 2 thousand people of different ages. “Phil” and “Abi” psychologists interview by the company. Chatbots work inside Telegram and do not require the installation of additional applications. Some of these problems are also solv by the popular psychological literature. Barclay Bram, describing his personal experience of interacting with Woebot, compares it to reading a good book. Woebot developers themselves offer to perceive it as a book, which eventually becomes personaliz for you. However, chatbots are not just electronic interactive books.

A dialogue with a chatbot and a dialogue

They involve a person in a direct dialogue – and this is a Saudi Arabia Mobile Number List more active form of understanding information, close to real learning or psychological counseling. Chatbots, of course, will not completely replace a specialist where a more in-depth study of psychological problems or overcoming psychological crises is requir. And although outwardly  with a specialist may be similar, from a psychological point of view, there are differences between them. Communication with a specialist is different: Empathy – the ability of a psychologist to understand and reflect the client’s experiences, including those not voic by him. Although there is no single concept of empathy in psychology.

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The New York Times author and anthropologist

Researchers agree that it is bas on the cognitive and BT Lists emotional mechanisms of human consciousness. Transference and countertransference are psychological mechanisms of interpersonal relationships that a psychoanalytically orient specialist can use for therapeutic purposes. Meaningful feback that the therapist gives to the client in the process of counseling or therapy, bas on their observations of verbal and non-verbal manifestations and on the analysis of behavioral patterns. Going beyond exclusively verbal interaction , when the specialist and the client can use non-verbal signals, objects, symbols and creative activities for communication. The responsibility of the specialist to the client and confidentiality.

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