The lottery operator Stoloto has made big data

This is a more analytical story. Online, this mechanism is used very widely, and we are transferring this technology from online to offline. Predictive or predictive analytics (predictive analytics) – helps to predict the most likely development of events based on the available data. To do this, use ready-made templates based on any objects or phenomena with a similar set of characteristics. With the help of predictive (or predictive, predictive) analytics, you can, for example, calculate a collapse or price change in the stock market . Or assess the potential borrower’s ability to repay a loan. 3. Prescriptive analytics is the next level up from predictive.

What scenario they can be avoided

With the help of Big Data and modern technologies, it is Cambodia Phone Number List possible to identify problem points in a business or any other activity and calculate under in the future. Aurora Health Care saves $6 million annually through prescriptive analytics by reducing readmissions by 10% [5] . 4. Diagnostic analytics (diagnostic analytics) – uses data to analyze the causes of what happened. This helps to detect anomalies and random connections between events and activities. For example, Amazon analyzes sales and gross margin data for various products to find out why they generated less revenue than expected. “It was important for us not only to find a technically sound solution.

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AI and neural networks – for building models

Data is processed and analyzed using various tools and technologies [6] [7] : Special software: NoSQL, MapReduce, Hadoop, R; Data mining – extracting BT Lists previously unknown data from arrays using a large set of techniques based on Big Data, including text and image recognition. For example the basis of its strategy within the Data-driven Organization. Using Big Data and artificial intelligence, the company analyzes customer experience and offers personalized products and services; Analytical data visualization – Animated models or graphs based on big data. Which industries are already using Big Data? Public administration.

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