The creation of transport and the development

The creative elite of scientists and the highest professional administration”. “Middle class” (engineers, researchers). “Proletariat of mental labor” (technicians, assistants, junior employees, laboratory assistants). Currently, we are witnessing the most acute form of techno-optimism – transhumanism. Proponents of this philosophical and scientific movement are looking for ways to go beyond human biological evolution. Transhumanists propose to improve the human body and mind with the help of technology. What is technopessimism Technopessimism is the belief that most modern technologies can not only harm humanity, but even destroy it.

This attitude to man has been criticiz

The history of technopessimism is inextricably link with the industrial revolutions of the late 18th and 19th centuries. The transformation of an agrarian society Benin Phone Number List into an industrial one l to the growth of the economy, the emergence of factories and factories, of large cities. People were perceiv and us as a means of maintaining production lines. and sociologists. Since the 1960s, technopessimism has reach a new level of development and has become the impetus for the emergence of movements against the negative impact of scientific discoveries on society.

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Were originally intend as a benefit to society

At the same time associations of citizens began to BT Lists appear, which advocat nuclear disarmament, for the protection of animals and the environment. Man-made disasters – the accidents at the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant and the Chernobyl nuclear power plant – only strengthen the opinions of technopessimists. Fears and fear of supporters of technopessimism are quite understandable. Discoveries in the field of computer technology. However, now they are us differently: surveillance and surveillance tools using computer vision, the introduction of drones in the army, and not only. And the algorithms themselves can prict human behavior much more accurately and faster than the person himself. Balance between pessimism and optimism.

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