You can further fin

Perceval is an open source framework for programming. Photonic quantum computers develope. By perceval, a french company that aims to build a new generation of. Quantum computers bason light manipulation.

Perceval offers tools for making circuits from. Linear optical components, defining single-photon. Sources, manipulating fock states, running quantum simulations, reproducing. Publish experimental papers, and ‘ experiment with. A new generation of quantum algorithms through. A simple object-orient python api.

Companion tool for building.Quantum photonic circuits – for simulating and. Ptimizing their design, modeling both ideal and. Real behavior, and offering inter- custom front. To control them through backends view.

Its goal is to be a

It is optimiz run on a local desktop, with many improvements for HPC clusters, and provides access to buy telemarketing call list sophisticatebackends for numerical and simulatsimulation of quantum algorithms on photonic circuits.

You can also use a wide number of pre-built components to create complex linear optical algorithms and circuits. A library of famous algorithms is accessible, as well as lessons on how to use them.

lines of code to run experiments to tune algorithms, compare with experimental data, and reproduce publishe findings.

You can also use a few

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  • A one-of-a-kind architecture fully to linear optics and photonic quantum computing
  • The project is an open source project with a modular architecture that welcomes community contributions.
  • Using a large library of pre-built components, create complex optics linear algorithms and circuits. A library of famous algorithms is accessible, as well as lessons on how to use them.
  • Test algorithms to tune them, compare with experimental data, and copy existing publications in a few lines of code.
  • To simulate quantum algorithms on photonic circuits, use sophisticated backends BT Lists . Perceval is desig run on a local desktop in terms of computational and simulation performance, with many enhancements for HPC clusters.

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