These conclusions were reach by the All-Russian

A person should not use them as a substitute for their own knowlge. Skills and abilities. Informatization of schools will not save them. The art of teaching cannot be replicat by computers, the web, or “distance learning.” They can only complement an already high-quality ucational experience. Relying on them alone is a costly mistake. Information wants protection . Old laws ne to be updat to ensure that information in cyberspace receives. The public must own the radio waves and benefit from their use. Citizens should benefit from the use of public frequencies and save part of. The spectrum for use in the field of ucation, culture.

The same protections as traditional mia

Understanding technology is an important component Taiwan Phone Number List of global society . Technology affects life as much as laws, so they ne to be subject to similar democratic control. How techno-optimistic is Russia Russia is a country of techno-optimists. Center for the Study of Public Opinion (VTsIOM), after conducting a survey among the population in 2020. 63% of Russians are sure that over the past 20 years science has had a positive impact on the life of the country. Despite this, pessimistic citizens are also necessary for, relatively speaking, a critical assessment of innovations, says Sergei Gataullin.

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The mood of domestic fellow citizens regarding

Dean of the Faculty of Digital Economy and Mass Communications BT Lists at the Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics . According to the expert, some confirmation of this idea is a recent sociological study of the implementation of a digital profile of a citizen. Approximately half of the respondents were in favor of the innovation, but the vast majority not the high risk of data compromise. In this case, an important task for the development of the digital economy for the state is to ensure social, legal and technological guarantees for the observance of the rights of citizens.

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