The service has been launch in the MVP

Four of them include a mattress, anatomical pillows and a protective cover. Two more are equipp with an additional transformable base – bs that can change the angle of inclination of the head and foot. The cost of a subscription product ranges from ?941 to ?4337 per month, and the term is calculat for four years and 48 payments.  and repair of kits are carri out. If the customer decides to keep the product and not renew the subscription, he makes the remaining payment – 20% of the original cost of the kit. If he remains in the service and orders a new mattress, he is exempt from payment. The company can take the old mattresses for recycling.

During this period free replacement

Raw materials and technological components are Turkey Phone Number List produc from them. But it is impossible to use them for a new b for hygiene reasons. According to Yershov, the model fully justifies itself from an economic point of view. Going forward, Askona wants to build a special plant that will provide recycling services to third parties. results Now format and is available to residents of Moscow and the Moscow region. In the first two weeks since the launch, several dozen customers have us the subscription service. “We have pass all internal tests. Now we are monitoring how all business processes work with real customers.

Phone Number List

All products that are sold through the site

We measure NPS (Net Promoter Score – customer BT Lists loyalty index. – RBC Trends ), but so far the sample is very small, and therefore it is too early to draw conclusions. However, the first few dozen buyers who us the service have very high NPS,” says Yershov. Plans and prospects Askona plans to expand the subscription to or in offline stores. The ability to purchase products in the usual way or on crit will remain. The company pricts that the subscription consumption model will gain popularity.

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