The EU energy system is also constantly

Will be possible to achieve these goals with the help of annual investments in the amount of €260 billion. The share of renewable energy in growing. Thus, about 40% of electricity in the first half of 2020 in the EU was produced from renewable sources. In the meantime,  of renewable energy are China, the USA, Japan and the UK. Since Bloomberg NEF began tracking this data, global investment in wind and solar power, biofuels, biomass and waste, and small hydropower has increased by almost an order of magnitude.

The leaders of investments in the development

On an annualized basis investment in clean energy has Cambodia Phone Number List grown from $33 billion to more than $300 billion in 20 years. China has become a top producer of renewable energy equipment in ten years . First of all, we are talking about solar panels.  in the world are Chinese companies. In general, the development of technologies has reduced the cost of building new renewable energy facilities. This brings China’s plans to become carbon neutral by 2060 closer. Green economy Bet on the sun and coal: two faces of China’s energy Serious steps towards the energy transition are also expected from US President Joe Biden.

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Seven of the top 10 solar cell manufacturers

He not only returned the country to the Paris BT Lists Agreement, but also announced that he intends to achieve net greenhouse gas emissions and a transition to 100% green energy by 2050. Also, Japan, South Korea, New Zealand and the United Kingdom plan to use only renewable energy sources by 2050 . 2020 has already been the greenest year for the UK power grid since the Industrial Revolution. The country was able to do without coal for 67 days. Britain plans to abandon traditional energy sources by 2025. RES are actively developing in Spain – according to forecasts, the solar energy sector in the country alone will grow about twice as.

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