Now you have a blog built in the right way

An incorrectly targeted prompt will not make the reader go to the online store and buy the product. In this case, you may lose up to thousands of euros in sales per year. Post structure does not kill creativity . You still have the opportunity to be creative and write content in your own style. The purpose of the post structure is to engage the reader to read the post to the end and move forward towards the goal you have set for the post. Why do companies and experts need to blog?  channel from which it is easy to build (automatically) a productive sales channel .

Because a blog is a free marketing

 For example, in your own blog, the online store conversion is 3.6%. This means new data that 3.6% of readers who visit the online store in a month buy one or more products. What does this mean for you? Let’s say you have 25,000 unique visitors to your blog every month. With the help of correctly selected posts, you will direct 25% of them to the online store. It means that 6,250 potential customers visit your online store every month.  3.6%, that means 225 paying customers. FREE, to your online store . Now it’s easy for you to calculate how many sales your blog generates, because you know the average value of the Shopping Cart. If it’s 45 euros, you make an average of 10,125 euros in sales every month . Directly through the blog. Free. Sales of 121,500 euros are already being talked about in the year .Finland – Blog – Finnish dictionary To produce content | 0 Comments | Tiia Konttinen This can also be shared… like HBO’s theme songs 24 SHARES Facebook 24 Twitter Pinterest LinkedIn Finland – Blog – Finnish dictionary.

With an online store conversion of

I have collected common words and terms that you may come across in this post. I have tried to summarize the explanation in as simple a form as possible. I update the list from time to time. Bookmark this post so you can come back to it again. Finland – Blog – Finnish dictionary A Affiliate link = a link (url) that contains a code or tag/cookie. When the reader clicks on the affiliate link, a small cookie is updated BT Lists in his browser. If the reader buys the product during the cookie’s validity period, the browser recognizes it as purchased through you.

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