How they suit you the ability

Some of the main markers of a dark empath include guilt, manipulativeness, and narcissism. British psychologists Nadja Heym and Alexander Sumich conclud that dark empaths have a poorly develop ability to feel other people’s emotions, unlike ordinary empaths [ 16 ]. The Dark Ones, according to the study, are less aggressive than narcissists or psychopaths, but they are more likely to show cruelty in non-obvious forms – through manipulation, rumors and gossip, cruel jokes, provoking feelings of guilt and organizing boycotts. A develop capacity for empathy limits their aggression, but does not completely eliminate it. It manifests itself in other, hidden forms.

The ability to provide emotional support

Advantages and disadvantages of empaths Advantages Belarus Phone Number List Empathy contributes to a kinder and gentler society, writes University of Melbourne researcher Liliana L. Bove. She highlights the following advantages of empathic people [ 17 ] to others; the ability to understand people and understand to value relationships and connections; the ability to enter into the position of a person, to put oneself in his place; ability to work productively in a team. In work Psychologist Elizaveta Muratova argues that empathy is a great social advantage, it is easier to develop with it in a career in areas where you ne to communicate with people. So, empathy is call the main leadership quality.

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Whom work under the guidance of empaths

Researchers at the non-profit American organization BT Lists Catalyst interview about a thousand people, some of [ 18 ]. Catalyst found that teams l by an empathic leader were more efficient. According to the survey, under the guidance of empaths, people: offer new ideas; were involv in the work, despite the unstable situation in the world; not the balance between work and the rest of life. People have time to go in for sports, go to visit and pay attention to their personal lives; women stat that they did not think about leaving or changing jobs precisely because the management show empathy.

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