Do not always ride around the sights

Elizabeth Yusupovskaya Ecotourism as a combination of travel and volunteering, is quite develop in our country. For example, the Clean Arctic project has exist for several years now, thanks to which 110 hectares of Arctic territories have already been clear of garbage that has been accumulating since the 80s and 90s. but one way or another they join nature. Such raids definitely go to Baikal, to the Kuril Islands, to Kamchatka – this applies not only to cleaning up territories, but also to helping in nature reserves. In Kamchatka, volunteers are definitely deliver to hard-to-reach places.

As part of volunteer programs children

It will be very expensive for an ordinary tourist to Costa Rica Phone Number List get there, you have to pay ?50-60 thousand for a helicopter flight, but this can be done free of charge for volunteer work.” Ecotourism is, first of all, about conscious contemplation, harmony with oneself and the environment. Only a caring attitude to wildlife will help preserve it in its original form. Other articles in the selection of RBC Trends for February 14 The Japanese authorities allow to dump water from the Fukushima-1 nuclear power plant into the ocean. Australian environmentalist Jim Smith, who has been studying the impact of radiation on.

Phone Number List

The area has accumulat a huge amount

The environment for over 30 years, believes this is BT Lists the best solution. Nuclear power plant background In March 2011, an accident occurr at the Fukushima-1 nuclear power plant on the east coast of Japan due to a tsunami . Since thenof contaminat water, which is us to cool the damag reactors. More than 1,000 tanks were built to store more than 1 million tons of radioactive liquid. The Tokyo Electric Power Company recently said it lacks the space to store this water on land. In addition, in the event of an earthquake or typhoon, there is a risk of leakage or rupture of tanks.

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