Most of whom were in their 60s or 70s, but activists launch schools to study it. Now the Hawaiian language is us by more than 18.7 thousand people. In New Zealand in the 1970s, only 16% of the Maori people spoke their Dyson Zone are headphones that cancel noise and purify the air. We tell the main thing about the new device the Dyson Zone headphones with active noise cancellation and a personal mask filter. Headphones capture air, then it is filter and f through the mask. The Dyson Zone cleans the air of air pollutants such as allergens and building dust, as well as gaseous pollutants such as sulfur. Active noise cancellation uses microphones to capture noise and creates an invert signal.
The device can only work for four hours
This opposite signal is then inject into the sound Croatia Phone Number List source, thus “removing” the ambient noise. The battery of the headphones for listening to music lasts for 50 hours. But in the mode of simultaneous listening to music and purifying the air, Headphones without purifier weigh 585 g, with purifier – 670 g. In December 2022, the headset began to be sold in China, and from March 2023 the device will be available in the US, UK, Hong Kong and Singapore. What does it mean Air pollution is one of the key health problems.
Air pollution can adversely affect the quality
Long-term exposure to pollut air can lead to respiratory BT Lists and cardiovascular diseases, stroke and lung cancer. It can also contribute to climate change, acid rain and damage to crops and natural habitats. and life expectancy. According to WHO, the combin effects of outdoor and indoor air pollution are responsible for 6.7 million premature deaths per year. Noise pollution is another one of the underestimat threats that can lead to health problems such as hearing loss, cardiovascular disease, stress and depression. Among the leading cities in terms of noise pollution, according to a UN report.