Who is an empath An empath is a person

A book has also been publish in the UK with recipes that. Do not use the foods that most often cause rejection in parosmia. Technologies in the treatment of parosmia Scientists are now quite successfully working with organ – vision. The extreme degree of blindness is associat with the fact that light-sensitive cells are absent or have di. In this case, the patient can be implant with electrical microcircuits at the bottom of the eye, which will perceive light and transmit stimuli to the brain. This is now being done in Russia, and quite successfully. With such an artificial retina, a person begins to see the difference between light and dark spots.

The consequences of lesions of another sense

An then patients who have undergone such implantation Bahamas Mobile Number List note that over time they begin to see the difference not only between light and darkness, but also recognize the outlines of objects. That is, the brain begins to learn on its own, since it initially has the inclinations for this, it simply lack light-sensitive cells. “We know very well that can be connect to, and they are locat quite close. But the problem so far lies precisely in creating at least the most primitive odor analyzer. If in the case of vision, this sensor should simply capture photons, then in the case of smell, we ne to teach it to distinguish between millions of molecules.

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Where in the brain there are areas of smell

So far the electronic nose device, which is design, for BT Lists example, to detect smuggling, can only analyze a very small number of molecules. But this is already a good trend for expanding the repertoire of such sensors,” says Yuri Kiselev. who is good at recognizing and understanding the emotions of others. The word is deriv from the noun “empathy”. In psychology, this term is given different definitions, depending on schools and approaches. But most often empathy is call two things.

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