Which has become a common place with the light

As they are ideally suit to the creative concept. Natalia Plugatar, Director of Marketing at Bosco di Ciliegi. The scenery is stor in our warehouses. Sometimes we reuse some design elements from previous years. In 2021, to decorate GUM, we us a crescent moon. Which we made back in 2015, almost seven years ago.  to someone. For example, in 2019, GUM was decorat with a space theme. And then all the structures were donat to the city of Kaluga. Reusing holiday decorations is a healthy and sustainable practice.

It also happens that we give all the design

Back in 2019 Moscow and the Moscow region were among Guatemala Phone Number List the leaders in the generation of household waste, and, according to the forecasts of the Moscow Department of Housing and Public Utilities, by 2029 the amount of garbage produc in the capital will increase by 5% – up to 8.5 million tons per year. Using the same jewelry every year ruces the amount of materials that ne to be sent to landfills and recycling centers without making the situation worse. of opposite trends – conscious consumption and minimalism. His followers learn to make do with a minimum of things that take no more than half an hour to collect.

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Consumer abundance has l to the emergence

Japanese culture has a long tradition of minimalism that BT Lists has seen renew interest in the post-consumer era. It’s not just about “clutter”, hand of Maria Kondo and her “Magic cleaning”. The next step is the maximum refusal to own things. Fumio Sasaki, author of Goodbye Things, believes that getting rid of unnecessary possessions will help to clean up the mind, and not just the house. Every thing around us sends us signals: “wash me”, “clean me”, “replace me with a new one”, “repair me”. In a room fill with books, appliances and clothes, our brain gets tir of this noise, it is difficult for us to focus on what is truly important.

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