When external exciting radiation such as ultraviolet

Thousand times longer, Blue green Depending on which chemical groups are chosen as donors and acceptors in the emitter, the spectral color of the radiation changes. The most important (and sometimes difficult to reproduce) are Ls in the r and blue parts of the spectrum. Novosibirsk scientists manag to bring the color spectrum of the radiation of one of the compounds closer to true blue. The Phosphorescence Phenomenon Interestingly, some materials creat in the laboratory have the property of afterglow (phosphorescence) at room temperature disappears, the material emits a glow for some time. The simplest example where this can be us is in an office light alarm system (the well-known “Exit” signs above the doors.

The research agenda for the coming decades

A more interesting way to use such materials is the Afghanistan Cell Phone Number List bioimaging of cells (for example, tumor cells). Fluorescence in practice The market for organic electronics is huge — over $40 billion in 2020 — and it perfectly dictates. These are various “smart materials”, highly sensitive sensors, organic photovoltaics. At the same time, the use of organic semiconductors and diodes is not limit to electronic devices: laboratory scientists are already actively working with the real chemical industry, helping to make chemical synthesis processes more optimal, with less waste and more carbon neutral. Electronics and alternative energy Since the RGB palette.

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The scientists have a commercial partner

The English abbreviation R-Green-Blue) is us in the displays BT Lists of electronic devices – smartphones, smart watches, TVs, car radios – the production of organic light-emitting diodes (OL) of these three colors is one of the promising areas of work of the laboratory of low-carbon chemical technologies, the Latvian company EmiBlue, which uses emitters creat in the lab to further manufacture Ls and OL displays. Evgeny Mostovich, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Head of the Laboratory of Low-Carbon Chemical Technologies, Novosibirsk State University: “One of the main projects of the laboratory is the development of emitters for.

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