When conflicts arise make up almost immiately

So in years all people will be “like the Dalai Lama in terms of Zen calmness,” because there is a natural selection against people with a hyper-reactive response to stress, except for some cases. He explain that this process goes on for quite a long time, and then the so-call evolutionary bottleneck sets in, and the % that survive are “canaries in the mine”, hysterical neurotics who saw real stressors earlier. everyone else. One of the first ways to detect gas in mines was to use canaries as gas analyzers. Canaries are very sensitive to gases, including methane and carbon monoxide, and die from even a small amount of it in the air.

When  of the population dies

In addition these birds tend to constantly sing, which Chile Phone Number List was an audible alarm: as long as singing was heard, one could work quietly, and when the bird fell silent, it meant that one had t leave the mine. “So, unfortunately, I think that in a million years people will be just as crazy, prone to anxiety and neurotic as they are now, because from time pricts Sapolsky. Between bonobos and chimpanzees Sapolsky hopes that sooner than a million years from now, something could happen that completely changes the behavior of people. He believes that people ne to develop their “inner bonobo”. In the jargon of scientists.

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To time that is what saves us

Sapolsky explains chimpanzees are from Mars, and bonobos BT Lists are from Venus: chimpanzees are schemers and cruel killers, and bonobos, by having . At the same time, they have % identical DNA, and in humans, DNA coincides with each of the types by . %. “We are not chimpanzees, we are not bonobos, we are some strange tangl mixture of these two species. So yes, becoming like a bonobo would be a good path, ”said the scientist. in which . % of Russians are engag. However, for % of workers, the risk of automation now remains low.

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