I know a European bank where clients submit trading orders either on paper or by phone – they simply have no other option. Anyone is forc to either sign an order on paper or call the trader. Although it is a large bank with significant assets and a large number of VIP clients. Is the same situation in Asian banks? — The Asian market is becoming more and more interesting for our domestic customers. The focus of business on reorientation towards Asia is becoming more and more urgent. However For example, it is quite difficult for a foreigner to open an account in China.
Who wants to buy assets on the market
Generally speaking, the level of technology in Asia is high Brazil Mobile Number List enough not to think about the existence of bank offices. On the other hand, the largest players have a similar trend – offline services are also develop. This is due to the fact that a large proportion of the population are older people, and an offline channel is important for them to meet and discuss some nuances in person. — And how are age groups distribut in private banking in Russia? Towards rejuvenation of the client base. I’m sure it’s typical not only for Russia, it’s just that this process is happening faster in our country. In Bank, the average age of.
In recent years there has been a trend
Client decreases by a year and a half from year to year BT Lists now he has reach 45 years. Including because of this, digitalization is becoming more relevant. If you do not keep up with the times, there is a great risk of losing the achiev positions. premium customers actively monitor trends, relevant products and services. If you do not meet the trends, the client makes a choice in favor of another bank. The main trends in private banking right now — What has chang in the private banking segment during the difficult year 2022.