The melancholic can descend into the bottomless

To maintain communication with others. In the case of melancholy – because of a breakdown, in the case of misanthropy – because of dislike for people. History of melancholy The first melancholia was describ in detail by the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates (5th century BC). He believ that the properties of a person’s personality are physiologically determin and depend on the ratio of fluids in the body [ 7 ]. There are four types of fluid (humors): blood, phlegm (mucus), yellow bile and black bile. It is the excess of black bile, according to Hippocrates, that makes a person fall into despondency and fear – that is, melancholy (from the ancient Greek a black bile.

Elancholy was already perceiv ambiguously

This liquid according to the descriptions of contemporaries Canada Mobile Number List was “so thick and viscous that doctors could hardly remove it from the body,” it releas vapors that rose to the head and darken the soul,” writes Yuhannison. At the same time, in antiquity. Juhannison gives an example: in Plato’s Phara, melancholy is “correlat with sacr madness, divine inspiration, passion. abysses of darkness and soar towards the radiant light. In the Middle Ages, attitudes towards melancholy chang.

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One of the most important works on melancholy

According to Christian tradition, mental and physical illness BT Lists are very different. As Jean Starobinsky notes in the book “The Ink of Melancholy”, bodily illness is a test and merit, and mental illness, “if the will has given its consent to it, is consider a sin and brings divine retribution on a person.” The theological term “akia” appears – “lethargy, lethargy, lack of initiative, In the 20th century, Sigmund Freud wrote o Sorrow and Melancholy (1917) [ 9 ]. He defin this feeling as the loss of something incomprehensible and difficult to express. From Freud’s point of view, grief arises from the loss of a lov object, such as the death of a lov one.

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