The gig economy is bas on involving

A striking example is the Hyundai Mobility car subscription service, in fact, the Korean auto giant’s own car sharing service. In turn, Anton Gubnitsyn, who oversees the sharing sector at RAEC, sees the key to success in creating entire ecosystems – that is, a chain of sharing services. Amazon is a good example: we are talking about Amazon Web Services (AWS) – a global cloud infrastructure of hundrs of servers, where startups and billion-dollar concerns can rent space. At the end of 2020, AWS accounts for 12% of Amazon’s $386 billion in revenue and more than half of the company’s operating profit ($13.5 billion out of $22.9 billion.

How does it work not a full-time employee

In turn Amazon’s main business is an e-commerce platform Guatemala Phone Number List which also fits the definition of a sharing economy. But so far, in most cases, the sharing economy is a loss-making business. In many ways, due to the high costs of aggressive promotion in the market. Platform employment has already revolutioniz the world of work and is prict to have a great future. But this system also has a downside. Let’s talk about it in detail in the work, but a contractor who performs a one-time – from the point of view of the client – work. Translat from English gig is a concert, and gig workers are a kind of guest performers.

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The work of information platforms

Tonight you have a courier with your dinner on tour BT Lists and tomorrow morning an electrician with new switches. At the center of the gig economy are information platforms, the main function of which is to help the client avoid transaction costs associat with finding a counterparty, resolving the issue of trust, pricing and payment. Many of these platforms are familiar to everyone, such as Facebook (now Meta), Amazon, Uber, VK, and so on. Is bas on a huge array of information that allows you to connect supply and demand. The platforms know who can teach you English or singing.

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