The Cosloops service gives retailers

Audiences paid $10 to buy one album or movie on iTunes; now streaming services offer for the same $10 a whole month to listen to any music or watch a movie from a huge catalog. The benefit is obvious. In Russia, it was about persuading users addict to torrents and pirat videos on social networks to start paying for content. Entry point”, so the prices for almost all Russian services are noticeably lower than in Europe and the USA – even if you look not in absolute numbers, but as a percentage of the average salary.

It was important to offer a comfortable

For example the cost of Yandex. Plus Multi subscriptions Colombia Mobile Number List for four people) and the family MTS Premium (3 participants) – is of the average salary in Russia, which, according to Rosstat, was in May 2022. at the level of ?62.4 thousand. At the same time, even the cheapest packages of Amazon Prime and Apple One cost of the average salary in the US. And, say, in the UK – respectively and ??of the average monthly income of. The main family Apple One,  subscriptions, costs US subscribers of their monthly salary, and British subscribers 1.13%. At the same time, the American family pays  of the average monthly income for music in Spotify Family, and the British.

Phone Number List

Which most closely resembles Russian

In addition Western services raise prices as they expand BT Lists catalogs or add new services to justify investment in content creation – for example, Amazon Prime costs US subscribers $139 per year instead of the original $79. In Europe, the company has rais prices by 20-40% this year depending on the specific country, also attributing this to higher shipping costs. But if Amazon took 17 years to make this price hike, it took Disney+ about three years from launch to make three price increases. Initially, the subscription to the service cost $6.99 per month.

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