The closest word for congruence is sincerity

Abandoning impos social roles, but does not focus on the fact that a person must certainly be aware of his feelings and motivations. Yet these words are not synonymous. It is quite possible to be sincere, but not be perceiv as such from the outside – for example, with insufficient mastery of non-verbal ways of communication. As Carl Rogers wrote, man himself cannot judge his own congruenc Should a successful person be congruent life? It manifests itself only in situations of communication, so we will consider its significance for communication and for the communicator separately.

How important is congruence in everyday

The Importance of Congruence in Communication Carl Rogers Taiyuan Mobile Phone Number List consider congruence to be critical to communication because it allows for the creation of a trusting environment. The more consistent the feelings, words and behavior of a person, the more understandable he is, the less he causes hidden protests from the interlocutor and suspicions of insincerity, manipulation. Conversation partners do not ne to think for each other, they feel safe and because of this they become open to active listening, empathy. And although this seems obvious at first glance, there is very little actual research on the significance of congruence for communication.

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A person who chooses sincerity is forc to weigh

The fact is that it is very difficult to measure its BT Lists effectiveness. The real significance of congruence for communication makes it difficult to determine the fact that it cannot be one hundr percent and is always relative. the risks. Voluntary or involuntary violation of unwritten social norms can lead to very adverse consequences. For example, how to be congruent when you were given a gift, and it turn out to be terrible – to lie or, albeit tactfully, say “thank you, but somehow I don’t feel happy”? This limitation was also recogniz by Carl Rogers.

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