The cameras also recognize foreign objects

It will be possible to talk about an advanc level of development if the very V2X technologies that allow the car to communicate with the surrounding infrastructure and other vehicles begin to be us on the road and serve as the basis for the development of unmann vehicles in the future. Then the cars will better navigate the traffic flow and improve road safety. For example, the car itself will transmit information about the sudden braking of the car in front, and thus all those moving behind will be able to slow down in time and change lanes in time. Or about the fact that there is a pit on the road around the corner, which is better to go around.

The smartest highway in Russia is the Central

Moreover the data exchange will be two-way: for example Tunisia Phone Number List traffic lights will transmit information to cars about the phases of the enabling signal, and the vehicle’s intelligent systems will calculate the requir spe in order to constantly move in the “green wave” mode and not slow down. Which roads in Russia have a high IQ? Ring Road (TsKAD) in the Moscow region. As of early 2023, it is the most tech-rich highway in the country. For example, it is equipp with the Free Stream barrier-free toll collection system, in which more than 128 million user journeys have already been record in two incomplete years.

Phone Number List

The intelligent system of the Central Ring

In addition the PK-3 section of the Central Ring Road is BT Lists equipp with a new generation intelligent traffic control system and V2X technology. Road collects huge amounts of heterogeneous data: information about weather conditions, traffic density, accidents and traffic jams at any given time. on the road, pestrians or animals entering it. The data is process and, in accordance with this, scenarios are launch that best suit the situation on the track. Drivers receive information through information boards and signs of the corresponding section of the Central.

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