Our point of view and what percentage definitely thinks otherwise. We act on instinct, not conviction Man is a social being. And the fear of being isolated is explained by his nature. As in many organisms, from ants to chimpanzees. In many primitive societies, it is expulsion from the tribe or boycott that remains the main sanctions against the one who is guilty. But this does not mean that we can allow fear to dominate the mind, to suppress our beliefs and values. Spiral of silence’ excludes dialogue and polarizes the world In a spiral, there are necessarily two opposing opinions.
It is more important to win and suppress
They are already on opposite sides of the barricades New Zealand Phone Numbers List and thanks to the spiral of silence the hostility is only growing there is a good majority and a bad minority, insiders and outsiders, us and them. It is becoming more and more difficult for people with different opinions to establish a dialogue and come to a consensus,each other. Such an approach excludes pluralism of opinions, leads to excessive conservatism and stagnation. Choose sources of information carefully Elisabeth Noel-Neumann gives great responsibility to the mass media, since it is they.
The author writes and formulated
Who shape the picture of the day, the world and BT Lists opinions for the layman. In order for people to be able to present their point of view in a conversation, all positions must be formulated in the mass media, and in particular, legally occupied ones,” not as a recognizable minority vote”, but on a large scale and purposefully, not allowing associations with the threat of exclusion. It is useful to address not only your favorite media, but also those media that cover views that are opposite to yours. Remember that the algorithms on social media and video platforms are trying to offer you content that you generally approve.