Many local artists began to appear

Catalog and improving algorithms that match music content to each user in a way that even the most sophisticat music itor could not. In addition, Spotify has made a global shift in the music royalty model that has now become the basis for all streaming services: instead of collecting license fees for music recordings, there is a long series of micropayments for each stream. Today, according to Counterpoint Research, the number of Spotify subscribers exces 220 million, and the company occupies 35% of the entire market. Following the success of Spotify, IT giants finally rush to the market. Apple Music, Google Play, YouTube Music are launch.

The triumph of streaming services has chang

In Russia the legal pioneer of streaming was Yandex. Music (open in 2010), and the illegal pioneer was VKontakte, which, however, also acquir its own BOOM France Mobile Number List platform in 2016. As the courts rag to put the next music pirate behind bars, new market players follow in the footsteps of these “criminals”, creating streaming platforms that were destin to leave behind the industrial model of music distribution. Musicians had to get smarter. if not everything, then a lot in the music industry. Streaming has brought digital marketing technologies to the music world that had previously bypass this market. Destroy entire factories for the production of physical mia. Significantly ruc the level of music piracy.

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Very wide audience. in the top charts

Transform the profitability structure of both record BT Lists companies and the musicians themselves. Music streaming technology has made the market much more colorful and diverse. According to Victoria Sinyavskaya, it was thanks to streaming that “for the first time, artists were able to share their work with a, sometimes surpassing even international superstars. But most of all the changes affect the musician himself and his work. Performers have become more independent, they have more career paths. “Now a musician can choose, conditionally.

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