In dominance status is achiev by force or intimidation. In Virtue Games, status is given to players who exhibit qualities that are highly valu in that society, such as loyalty to duty, patriotism, obience, or upholding moral standards. Games of success require professional skills, talents or knowlge. Dominance is the most ancient game, it is pattern that can be trigger in a variety of situations. Will Storr gives the example of a high-ranking official clashing with the traffic police and the scandalous attempt to be the first to use her status to get the desir behavior from employees.
The simplest and most instinctive behavior
As a person develops, dominance is increasingly changing into Portugal Phone Number List games of a higher order, where reputation and prestige are involv instead of fear. (religion and new ethics) and success (sports and business). In them, unlike dominance, the status is not seiz by force, those around you reward you with prestige and attention. Most of the status games we find ourselves in combine features of all three, with one type prominating. For example, street fights or the army are a playground for dominance games, but there is a place for virtues.
We are talking about the games of virtue
Which means that acts of heroism or mercy can be BT Lists valu. Each of us also has some prevailing strategy for obtaining status, but at the same time in life we ??can use all three. Will Storr shares the results of a study that shows that CEOs who did not meet criticism from subordinates rat their abilities above others, but at the same time, firms under their leadership were less effective. The constant admiration and flow of adulation leads to status intoxication, such leaders become less flexible and difficult to change course when something goes wrong. Having got us to his status, a person begins to believe in his own exclusivity and can easily.