If there are sufficiently large productive

Which information from different sources enters one storage, where it is process and sent to the personnel servicing the device. According to IDC forecasts , by 2025 there will be 55.7 billion connect devices in the world. Cybercriminals will continue to attack them because the IoT system is a fast enough way to distribute malware. will increasingly use smart technologies to save time and money. For example, refrigerators will be able to warn about imminent spoilage of products, traffic lights with built-in video sensors will regulate traffic depending on traffic. What will smart homes look like in ten years? Now, however, the key problem of IoT implementation is the lack of uniform standards.

The Internet of Things must be autonomous

Therefore existing solutions are difficult to integrate Taiwan Phone Number List with each other, and new ones appear more slowly than they could. Another nuance is that “things” in, that is, they must be able to receive energy from the environment, without human intervention. How does end-to-end encryption work? According to Alexander Ognev, developer of the Information Security Skillbox course , there are two main ways to encrypt data. “Symmetric cryptosystems mean that the same cryptographic key is us for encryption and decryption.

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Consumers companies and entire cities

To ensure that the cryptosystem is resistant to BT Lists hacking, the algorithms necessary for protection are appli to the data. In other words, the key itself is not enough, it is necessary to mix the data in such a way as to ensure reliability. However, capacities, the key can be pick up. To solve this problem, security specialists increase parameters such as key length, complexity, and the number of rounds of conversion, ”the expert notes. The second approach to data encryption is asymmetric encryption. Two keys are us to protect data – public and private. An open one is ne to encrypt data.

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