He describ his trip to an unfamiliar city

This is call the deja vu effect. As far as is known, the Roman poet Publius Ovid (43 BC – 18 AD) first mention the déjà vu-like experience in his poem “Metamorphoses. Book XV. And St. Augustine tri to explain this experience 1600 years ago , calling it falsae memoriae (lat., “false memory”). The term déjà vu (French, “already seen”) was coin in 1867 by Émile Boirac, a philosopher and parapsychologist (researcher of paranormal psychological phenomena such as telepathy and clairvoyance). In a letter to the itor of the Revue Philosophique, in which he constantly had a “feeling of recognition.

The use of language abstract thinking

In the scientific community, the term “déjà vu” was fix Changsha Mobile Phone Number List only 20 years later: at a meeting of the Mical and Psychological Society, it was propos to be us by the French neurologist Francois-Leon Arnault. Arnaud describ the case of his patient, Officer Louis, malaria and went home. A year and a half later, Louis began to show symptoms of deja vu: at his brother’s wding, it a year ago, remembers every detail and does not understand why they play it again. And when he first arriv at the psychiatric hospital, he claim that he was treat here last year, so he recognizes people and the situation.

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He stat that he had already been

Subsequently Louis explain it this way “I live in two parallel lives.” The first unifi scientific definition of deja vu was formulat by the South African neuropsychiatrist Vernon Neppe in 1983 . According to his theory, deja vu is “any subjectively inadequate sensation BT Lists of recognition in the present sensation of an indefinite moment from the past . ” Neppe devot the book “Psychology of deja vu” to the study of this phenomenon and describ in it about 20 varieties of the experience of “deja”, which, among other things, includ: déjà entendu – “already heard already.

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