What does GDPR mean for companies

 Legal obligation of the organization – the organization may nee certain information to comply with legal or statutory requirements. Vital interests of the individual – the organization may nee to process certain data to protect someone’s life public interest/public task – the organization can process information to perform public functions set out in law legitimate interest – the organization has an interest in processing data such as contact details. Because it has a legitimate commercial interest in emailing or calling the individual for sales reasons. Data marketers’ responsibilities digital marketers must understand their specific responsibilities in relation to the six legal bases and the rules associate with data processing and storage.

Data processing rules

These include: data consent rules: data consent refers to collecting personal data about leads and prospects via an organization’s various digital marketing channels. And gaining their explicit and unambiguous consent to opt-in to hearing from the organization. Data processing rules: data processing refers to how an organization uses the data it collects. And whether the leads. Prospects. And customers understand why it nees to be processe in that way. Data retention rules: data retention refers to how long an organization retains personal data and the business reasons for doing so. Data transfer rules: data transfer refers to the transfer of the personal data of european union citizens outside of the eu for legitimate business purposes.

 Data deletion rules

 Data deletion rules: data deletion refers to when and how personal data is permanently remove from an organization’s systems why choose dmi? Role of the marketing department in gdpr compliance the marketing department – and. By default. The head of marketing – plays a key role in enabling. Supporting. And communicating gdpr and its impact on the business to senior management. Because of marketing’s unique role in collecting. Processing. Retaining. Transferring. And deleting data belonging to the public and to the organizations’ users and customers. The person or people within the team nominate to roll out gdpr compliance must be fully aware of the scope and responsibilities of the project.

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