Dino RANK returns me the following results: choose dinorank keywords From here, we have to choose the long tail keywords that interest us and that we are going to include in the post. Some of them can be used as H2 titles such as “ small cat breeds ”, “ hairless cat breeds ” or “ long-haired cat breeds ”.In this case there is also the possibility of creating an entire cluster of content derived from “cat breeds” as it is such a broad long tail keyword, but that is another story. If you want to go deeper, I leave you this other post . You can compare these results with another tool to see if it gives you any other keywords that you can add to the previous ones.
In this case there is also the possibility
I am going to use Keywordtool.io , one of the most top industry data powerful keyword research tools currently. keywordtool.io Some criteria for choosing keywords They satisfy the user’s search intention Allows you to create internal links when relating to other content It has derived keywords in turn Do you remember the excel that I mentioned a few lines above? Now, under each keyword that you are going to use as a title, you must place the result of this second search. kw post Ready! You already have a document with the titles of your next posts and the keywords that you must include in each of them.
It has derived keywords in turn Do you remember
You can use this for yourself or to prepare BT Lists a document requesting content from an editor. We also talked about this last point some time ago on the blog, I leave that content here again in case you want to go deeper . Semantic keyword research If we want to go one step further when ranking a text, we will use the semantic keyword research option. Here we have two possible cases: that we have not yet written the content, or that we have content that we have already published. Let’s go with the first case, a content that we want to write from scratch.
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