Electronics and alternative energy Since

Perfectly dictates the research agenda for the coming decades. These are various “smart materials”, highly sensitive sensors, organic photovoltaics. At the same time, the use of organic semiconductors and diodes is not limit to electronic devices: laboratory scientists are already actively working with the real chemical industry, helping to make chemical synthesis processes more optimal, with less waste and more carbon neutral.  the RGB palette (from the English abbreviation R-Green-Blue) is us in the displays of electronic devices – smartphones, smart watches, TVs, car radios – the production of organic light emitting diodes (OL) of these three colors is one of the promising areas of work of the laboratory of low-carbon chemical technologies.

Low Carbon Chemical Technologies

The scientists have a commercial partner, the Latvian Bahamas Mobile Number List company EmiBlue, which uses emitters creat in the lab to further manufacture Ls and OL displays. Evgeniy Mostovich, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, Head of the Laboratory of Novosibirsk State University: “One of the main projects of the laboratory is the development of emitters for OL. with a partner from the European Union, since such devices are not simple, similar to a sandwich, where each layer is responsible for a specific function. We develop those materials that work in a layer that emits light.

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We assemble a full-flg OL together

In the future we hope to produce full-flg organic BT Lists semiconductors and sell emitters with a luminescence spectrum close to all the main true colors: blue, green and r. In addition, the development plans include the creation of materials for thin solar panels, which can, for example, be glu to the wall with double-sid tape and generate energy.” Non-invasive micine Organic luminescent compounds are important for micine. For example, bioimaging – visualization of tumor cells and observation of them in dynamics. Evgeny Mostovich: “Imagine a sensor implant in a blood vessel that automatically measures the level.

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