Adam Frank a professor of physics and astronomy at the University of Rochester in the Unit States, emphasizes: “All these flying mountains [on some asteroids] orbiting the Sun could provide a faster, cheaper and more efficient way to build space cities. Their diversity and the presence of a rock that can protect against cosmic radiation make the asteroid city even more attractive.” Problem – asteroids are too loose and slow Adam Frank is proud of his work: “Our research lives on the ge of science and fiction. We’re taking an idea that’s been very popular in popular culture lately and we’re proposing a new way for it – using an asteroid to build a space city.
However after doing the calculations, the team discover a problem: the asteroids would break apart long before they reach the spe ne to keep people on the surface. In addition, most asteroids are not rocks, but loose piles of stones . After doing calculations with the various materials ne to build a city on an asteroid, physicists came up with a possible solution. It is contain in a giant bag, flexible and light. It can be creat from carbon nanofibers – tubes a few atoms in diameter, each of which has extreme strength. One of the authors of the study, Peter Miklavcic, shares the details.
A cylindrical protective bag made of carbon nanotubes will be very light compar to the mass of the asteroid debris, but still strong enough to hold everything together.” The idea might go something like this: an asteroid spins to create gravity. The bag traps the debris generat in the process and creates a layer of rock that is thick enough to protect against cosmic radiation. The site for the city on the asteroid is ready. Idea for the future technological age Frank emphasizes: “According to our calculations, an asteroid with a diameter of 300 meters can be turn into a cylindrical space habitat with.