. To cope with such a challenge, the community helps a lot. Those new models that are now being creat before our eyes are the merit of not one entrepreneur, but entire groups of active entrepreneurs working together, sharing expertise. And for this reason, people also go for business ucation – to work in a community of like-mind people, to move forward together. If we talk about the support of SMEs by big business , then first of all, entrepreneurs rely on themselves, this is part of our culture and the moment. The key barrier to business scaling is the “cancellation policy” , and the historical one is the creation of a globally competitive product and scaling, that is, the appropriate capacity to work simultaneously in several markets. It is easier for those whose business is already digital, it is transboundary in its business model. Working in international markets is, first of all, global entrepreneurial thinking, it nes to be develop, to figure out where your sales markets are, where are the places of key competence, how to build distribut processes and work with the product, socio-cultural aspects of team work. Entrepreneurial activity and talent in small companies often help to develop and launch new products many times faster. Big business has inertia. This can be cooperation and collaboration with startups and small companies that are more effective in testing new products and creating solutions. Vitaliy Mikhalchuk, Head of the Research Center of JSC DRT The turnover of SMEs in the Russian Feration at constant prices at the end of 2022 decreas by 13%, according to our estimates bas on statistics for 9 months of 2022. With a decline in Russia’s real GDP of only 2.7%, this means that small and mium-siz businesses have suffer particularly hard. First of all, this was facilitat by the high concentration of SMEs in the most affect sectors of the economy (retail trade and services). The state supports SMEs through a set of financial (subsidies, grants, concessional loans), social (ucational programs,
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