Will Be Compensat for Their Time and

This time change has been put in front of us to ask us. with a challenging tone. what to do in the face of uncertainty and. above all. in the face of that which prevents us from seeing beyond ourselves: ourselves. In the midst of this challenging tone. this ‘new reality’ has brought us uncertainty. The certainties to which we had been so accustom suddenly disappear or were left in suspense. However. in these very ‘original’ circumstances our conviction turn on its light: we teachers left our skin in the ‘new classrooms’. as we did in our face-to-face classes. as we do now in remote or virtual classes. It is that our students deserve that their expectations and motivations. in the midst of a gloomy environment. find the collaboration. complicity and commitment of their teachers.

Now Add the Mia Query

As a teacher. I feel committ to giving my best; Maybe this way I can imitate or get a little closer to the effort that Peruvians make to face their pain and fight for theirs.” As teacher Alfro Alegría (2018) very well emphasizes. beyond any ucational approach or model. professional competencies are configurations that find meaning business database when the teacher fosters a space in which humanistic integration. critical thinking and reality coexist. changing. Today. our sessions constitute those spaces of coexistence and learning. Let us. therefore. make our students feel respect and valu.

Around the Class in

In the best sense of human ucation. From this we will be able to work together on all those skills and attitudes that society demands. ucation in times of pandemic has requir a radical change in our way of thinking. to such an extent that we have come to question our professional training. For my part. at the beginning I not only experienc the confusion and uncertainty of what was happening; I also felt fear and fear BT Lists of making mistakes. I even thought that ucation had chang so much that perhaps my days as a teacher were over. Fortunately. I have found in my colleagues the commitment and responsibility that I ne; I have seen how each of them. putting the pain aside. have left their skin in each of their classrooms. For now. as a teacher.

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