What year did fax machines come out

The fax machine, short for facsimile machine, was invent in the early 19th century as a way to transmit images over long distances. The first fax machine was develop by Scottish inventor Alexander Bain in 1843. However, the fax machine as we know it today was not widely us until the 20th century.

The first commercially successful fax machine was the Radiofax, which was develop by the Radio Corporation of America (RCA) in the early 1920s. The Radiofax us radio waves to transmit images over long distances and was primarily us by news agencies to transmit photographs.

Can you fax things from the library

In the 1960s, the Xerox Corporation develop the first fax machine that us telephone lines to transmit images. This machine, call the Xerox Magnafax Telecopier, was the first fax machine to be widely us in business and government.

Throughout the 1970s and 1980s, the use of fax machines became Fax Lists more widespread as the technology improv and the cost of the machines decreas. By the 1990s, fax machines were a common sight in offices and businesses around the world.

The popularity of fax machines began to decline in the late 1990s with the rise of digital communication technologies such as email and the internet. However, fax machines are still us in some industries, such as healthcare and law, where signatures and official documents must be transmitt securely and quickly.

Fax Lists

Why fax is still us

In conclusion, the first fax machine was develop in 1843 by Bt Lists Alexander Bain, but the fax machine as we know it today did not become widely us until the 20th century. The first commercially successful fax machine that us telephone lines to transmit images was develop by Xerox in the 1960s, and by the 1990s, fax machines were a common sight in offices and businesses around the world. While the popularity of fax machines has declin in recent years.

Fax Library

Fax Library

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