They exacerbate problems with pressure

Which in turn disables electrical devices. With a strong enough storm, the planet can plunge into the Stone Age for several months. How magnetic storms affect humans They slow down capillary blood flow, which provokes oxygen starvation of tissues, therefore and hypotension. Approximately 70% of heart attacks, hypertensive crises and strokes occur during solar storms. They provoke insomnia. Cause tychycardia. Trigger migraine triggers. However, the theory of the influence of magnetic storms on humans also has opponents who believe that changes in space weather are too distant and have a much lesser effect on humans than, for example, daily physical activity.

They are dangerous for people with hypertension

Catastrophe in the 19th century The most powerful geomagnetic storm in history occurr on September 1, 1859. The night sky of the Northern Hemisphere lit up Saudi Arabia Mobile Number List with bright flashes. It look like the Northern Lights and was visible even in Hawaii. People were just starting to use electricity, but there was already enough of it to notice serious damage. For example, telegraph lines were overload and caught fire . According to National Geographic, a similar event now “could damage more transformers than are stor in the warehouses of energy companies, leaving millions of people without electricity, drinking water, sewerage, heating, air conditioning, telephone service, and without perishable micines and food. – for several months, which will be requir to produce and install new transformers.

Phone Number List

The long submarine cables that connect continents

Internet apocalypse At the Communications BT Lists Conference in August 2021, American researcher Sangeeta Abdu Joti present a paper titl “Geomagnetic Storms: Gearing Up for the Internet Apocalypse”. Abdu Joti found that local and regional Internet infrastructure would not be severely affect even with intense solar flares. The reason: geomagnetic storms practically cannot affect the fiber optics of which the wires are made. However, and countries will collapse. Stopping their work will disconnect the planet from the Internet Sangeeta Abdu Jodi says.

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