The gig economy is a modern approach

The couriers of the French company Takeaway have employment guarantees. They are paid for working hours. But the system is such that you can rise from the initial two or. Three two-hour shifts to a decent full week only by fulfilling orders very intensively. Of course to employment, but only from the point of view of its informational foundation. In social terms, this can be call a rollback to the 19th century. Homeworkers in New York sweatshops were, in essence, the same kind of gig workers: women who sew at home for 12-14 hours work on a piecework basis, and their employer had no obligations and no responsibility.

The cost of food sent to landfills in Russia

Therefore for the platform economy to truly become a Ivory Coast Phone Number List model of the future in employment, it must not leave behind the achievements of the last century and a half in the field of labor regulation. How to save and save food Food sharing can prevent wasteful use of food. This is not only an opportunity to save food, but also an effective tool in the fight against poverty. Thus is estimat at more than ?1.6 trillion . Analysts of the TIAR Center are sure that this amount would be enough to lend a helping hand to people who live below the poverty line.

Phone Number List

Participants themselves collect expir products

According to Rosstat there are now 19.9 million people in BT Lists the country with incomes below the subsistence level. Several all-Russian food-sharing projects and many local ones are taken to help them. At the feral level, the most notable are: the Rus Food Fund, the Foodsharing.Moscow volunteer movement, and the group I’ll give away food for free. Each project has its own model of work . Foodsharing.Moscow operates on the basis of verbal agreements between businesses (donors) and project volunteers.  from the organization, and then distribute them among volunteers’ acquaintances, charitable organizations and NGOs.

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