How to Achieve Top of Mind Awareness

In this blog, we are talking about TOMA. No, we don’t mean the nickname of the scenic town of Wautoma in central Wisconsin—we’re talking about “primary awareness in the mind.” TOMA, as it’s abbreviated, is an important concept in modern marketing. It means that your brand is synonymous with your product or service in the minds of your customers, which can be a powerful advantage.

What is a clear mind?

Let’s play a word association game. If we say “smartphone,” you probably immediately think of “Apple.” Streaming music? Spotify. Cookies? Oreos. Therefore, Cloud-based CRM? Salesforce. This exercise helps demonstrate what is head-of-mind awareness (TOMA) in the marketing world: the automatic connection consumers form between a brand and Albania WhatsApp Number List a specific product or service. When customers are asked a general or unconscious question about market positioning, they think of a specific brand. For example, if we were to ask readers about their preferred way to talk to coworkers, we might get answers like Slack, Google Hangouts, or even project management solutions like Wrike or Trello.

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Brand Awareness

Therefore, The first thing to consider is that your brand first Australia WhatsApp Number List
needs to be recognized . Brand recognition and brand awareness go hand in hand. In order to gain recognition, you must build awareness of what your brand stands for, what your values ​​are, and how you serve your customers.

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