Email footers are a great place for including information requir by spam and privacy laws. They’re also a good place to connect with your readers. Here are the elements you should consider including.Legally requir footer elementsYour business must include certain information in your footer to stay on the right side of the can-spam act. The gdpr. And other laws that protect consumer rights. No matter what. Make sure you always include.
Your company’s physical address
Your company’s physical address (or another mailing address you can be reach at) An unsubscribe (or email preferences) link A link to your privacy policyIf industry regulations require you to include legal disclaimers. Your footer is a great place to put them. You may also want to include a copyright notice. Though you don’t have to do so for your email to have copyright protection.Optional (but useful) footer elements asia email list Along with the legalities. You can use your footer as a hub for reader interactions. FootersSocial mia buttons and a website link: in case your readers ne help or just want to learn more.Give them a place to go that isn’t email.A subscription reminder: tell consumers when and how they sign up for your list to preempt untrue accusations of spam.Ctas: build your list and audience by including a referral link or a suggestion to forward the email to someone who might like it.
A view-in-browser link if your message
A view-in-browser link: if your message isn’t displaying well in someone’s email client. They can follow this link to view it as an html web page.A safelist request: ask readers to add you to their address book to stay out of spam folders and improve your overall deliverability.Company branding: your company name. Logo or wordmark. Tagline. And other brand assets can make the footer recognizably yours.Examples of custom email footers and what we love about themEmail footers may be a standardiz mium. But that doesn’t mean BT Lists you should settle for being like everyone else. Personalize whatever elements you choose to include in a way that’s true to your brand. Here are five great customiz email footers to inspire you.