Camp Is a Free Event Most Presenters

I now share the articles that. in my opinion. show an outstanding level of quality. and whose writing was carri out collaboratively as part of the activities develop in the course during this first semester of 2021. The links to the texts are below. I hope that reading it not only allows you to see the fruitful work that is achiev in the classrooms. even when it is carri out in virtual environments. but also encourages other colleagues to share their valuable experiences in this field. They also feel Euthanasia the last decision Euthanasia. what is correct? Racial discrimination in Peru. An always problem Euthanasia as an empathetic action.

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The other pandemic: citizen insecurity on the streets of Peru The sad reality of racial discrimination in Peru Civil union in Peru: a current conflict Lima and the eternal problem of water All the more reasons to talk about citizen insecurity *This post is a collaboration of José Antonio Tejada Sandoval. professor at the Department of General Studies at business lead the Universidad Privada del Norte . Learn more about our resources and academic achievements by entering our blogging platform .The health crisis has disrupt our tasks and we have had to face a necessary adaptation to the new reality.

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In the following lines. a reflection on the role of the university teacher – whose anniversary is commemorat on July 11 – in this complex context. University teacher Today more than ever I have start to reflect on my work as a teacher. because today more than ever our abilities to face the challenges BT Lists that ucation demands are call into question. For many years we have heard speeches about the change in pagogical work; However. it is only now that this discourse is beginning to penetrate not only me. but also each of the teachers who tirelessly seek to achieve learning for their students . ucational change is no longer a gradual process to which. little by little. we must ‘adjust’;

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