Advertising and marketing in Italy: on which channels to focus?

Advertising and marketing in italy: on which channels to focus? Reflections and updat data on the trend of advertising investments in our country. Interview with giuseppe oliva, managing director of dca. Enterprises and advertising investments: what is the 2018 cinematography? How will the year end? What mia will the market drive in 2019? We answer these and other questions – with data in hand – together with giuseppe oliva.  Managing director of dca (digital cinema advertising) and previously.  Marketing director in rai advertising. In this interview oliva, managing director of the italian mia company representing . Uci cinemas and the space cinema on the advertising communication front.  Outlines the situation in italy by focusing attention on the mium cinema. 

Year 2018. What is the trend of advertising investments

Very interesting considerations emerge,. Cinema, in particular, Special Data is increasingly attractive for investors and stands out . Among the mia for variety and quality of advertising proposals. Download the calendar imageimage from +24% of investments. In the first months of 2018 to the memorability of commercials . On the big screen, five times higher than the television ones.  We see how and why cinema can become an increasingly appreciat. Communication channel and taken into consideration by companies. Year 2018. What is the trend of advertising investments in different mia? 2018 is a special year. 

What will happen next year?

There were two important events that influenc investments:  BT Lists the general elections in march – usually the elections slow down four-five-month companies due to uncertainty about the election outcome – and the world cup, surprisingly without italy. Despite the absence of our national team, the worlds held in russia have been very popular; numerous companies have decid to invest in the small screen, to the detriment of mia such as cinema, thematic tv, digital and outdoor. 2018 will close with a small recovery, as oppos to what happen last year: estimates on the possible closure are between +1.4% and + 1.9% compar to 2017. This is the situation in the different mia: advertising investments in the press have fallen,

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