A two-fold increase in prices in three years

The option to pay for the year, rucing the price per month to $5.83. A year later, on the wave of success, the company’s management rais the price to $7.99, and in 2022, Disney announc a price jump of another 38% to $10.99. In total, almost. Russian services have so far practically not chang prices since entering the market, although the number of services includ in subscriptions has grown Yandex. Plus add audio books, sports broadcasts, and so on. SberPrime – delivery and discounts from SberMegaMarket and financial products. MTS – a subscription to scooters. Ozon has includ Megogo and Kion cinemas in its subscription.

The number of subscribers smearing

Another difference is that while the user base of large Costa Rica Phone Number List Western services investing in content is hundrs of millions of users (Netflix has 220 million and PrimeVideo has 117 million), the market and content distribution opportunities for Russian players are more limit. Thus, the largest player, Yandex. Plus, has about 14 million subscribers by mid-2022. In the Western market, you can recoup the fix costs of content through an increase in ” the costs over them and not increasing the average bill. Russian services have fewer such opportunities, and this partly explains why many of them are now unprofitable, despite.

Phone Number List

Then multi-service subscriptions look the most

The constant growth in the number of users and revenue. Cinema in 2020 showa net loss of ?0.7 billion, and in 2021 already ?2.1 billion. The entertainment BT Lists segment (the Okko online cinema and the Sberzvuk music service) for three quarters of 2021 brought losses to Sberbank in ?2– 2.6 billion quarterly. Benefits of Multi-Service Subscriptions If you look at the Russian market from the perspective of a potential client of mia services, profitable. A package offer will be cheaper than a set of individual services, and more convenient because there is no ne to keep track of a large number of services and subscriptions. Mia arithmetic The cost of a monthly subscription to Russian.

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