The development of intellectual humility Analyzing

To do this they us an approach call “assertion of meanings.” In this approach, volunteers reflect on one or more personal values, such as freom, equality, family, or safety. Previous research has shown that even a short reflection on this helps to keep an open mind about the opinions of other people. One group wrote about values, the other wrote about drinks. British scientists invit volunteers to the laboratory and divid them into groups of two or three people. The subjects were ask to complete a series of psychological questionnaires assessing their personality traits, intellectual humility, and self-esteem.

The subject of intellectual humility

Half of the participants were then ask to reflect on their Afghanistan Cell Phone Number List most important value and write down how it matters to their lives and how it affects their behavior. The other half of the participants in the experiment wrote about their attitude to tea and coffee instead of values. The volunteers then took part in a 15-minute group discussion about the pros and cons of raising university tuition fees. Reflection on values ​​is link to recordings of debates on, linguists measur its level in various speech characteristics and other aspects: participant’s contribution to the discussion; tendency to dominate in a dispute; the ability to discuss the opinions of others; willingness to present one’s own convictions as undeniable.

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Alues ​​can increase intellectual humility

It turn out that the participants in the experiment, who thought about values ​​before the discussion, behav more modestly in the argument than those BT Lists who thought about drinks. People in the first group were more supportive of other speakers, tri not to dominate, and were less likely to take their opinions as hard facts. Intellectual Humility Expands Horizons Research has clearly shown that simply reflecting on in conversation. More than half (60.6%) of the representatives of the first group demonstrat it to a greater extent than people from the second group.

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