It is important to note that the development

In the field of logistics, pallet sharing services will bring clear benefits (one pallet can be us up to ten cycles). With these services, companies ruce operating costs, ruce the effort to manage pallet logistics, ruce wood consumption and waste generation, thus contributing to the development of a circular economy. of a b2b-sharing economy requires large online platforms. This line of business may look like a “blue ocean” (that is,  establish rules and competition. – RBC Trends ), but require significant financial investments. Service sharing Bas on the current situation – the release of a large number of labor force.

A completely new market without

The fall in income of SMEs (which can lead to the irrationality Peru Phone Number List of maintaining full-time employees) and the decline in real incomes of the population – one can prict the spread of freelance sharing services. The development of household and corporate services is facilitat by the presence of develop Russian sharing consolidat platforms (Profi Yandex. Services and others). The development of the sharing economy in these areas can be slow down by an increas supply of such services: if a large number of new employees enter the market at the same time, the sector will find itself in a situation where supply exces demand. Business and community.

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 A limit opportunity to rent premium

In addition to incorporating the sharing economy into BT Lists business processes, an important role for companies is to engage employees in the sharing economy. Such motivation and stimulation can be express in: partnership with a certain sharing system or platform that gives corporate discounts for the use of its functionality; allowing employees to share relatively rare benefits that they do not have access to in everyday life – for example, a cars at a lower price, which will draw the attention of employees to the possibility of car sharing; conducting ucational activities in the sphere of the sharing economy.

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