This book makes you want to sort through

You can transfer its value to this account, and at the end of the month enjoy the accumulat amount. choose the best If you can buy only one thing to replace the one that has fallen into disrepair, you will choose it especially carefully. Kate shares her story about buyinga sweatshirt. Previously, she would simply buy the first one she lik, and then another one, because the spontaneous purchase turn out to be uncomfortable. And another one, because the second one had a bad color. And so on ad infinitum. During the experiment, everything chang. months, but every time Kate wears this sweatshirt, she feels deep satisfaction, not disappointment from wast money.

The search for the perfect piece took nine

Quotes I had everything I ne. I myself was everything I ne.” “There is something in common between debt and rubbish. If you let them build up, it becomes USA Phone Number List harder and harder to do something about them.” Why read a book? the rubble of things and definitely not buy the fifth eyebrow cream and a pair of shoes at once. The author’s personal story makes the whole process very accessible and not intimidating, but rather inspiring to experiment – how much money can you save if you refuse unnecessary expenses.

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Protestantism and Scandinavian culture

Over the past decade residents of the Unit States BT Lists Europe and Russia have refus unnecessary household items. Along with the ideology of minimalism, excessive craving for things was criticiz, but the pandemic and crisis have chang these rules of the game. Effective minimalism Minimalism as a way of life began to come into fashion at the end of the 20th century, although its premises can be found in Japanese philosophy Nevertheless, the movement migrat into everyday life from architecture, fashion and the fine arts, which took a course towards the simplification of forms and the ruction in the number of details and bright colors in the post-war period. 

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